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How to rate

Please, read the following guidelines carefully before leaving your rating.

  • Your experience

    Please, post comments and feedback based only on your own experience. Don't pay attention to other people's experiences. Your honest comment will be very helpful to other players!

  • Complaints

    Remember, it's totally okay to share your negative experiences! Of course, there may be flaws in any online casino and you are free to talk about them here. You can share your impressions and warn others, but please be honest.

  • Facts

    Don't forget that the more details and facts, the more useful your comment is! It's fine if you have a clear opinion about the casino, but I would be great if you shared the details and facts that affected your opinion.

  • Language

    While we could understand certain degree of evolution in your opinion regarding some online casino, we definitely cannot understand nor accept multiple comments on the same subject, for the same casino, posted within a short period of time. While we could understand certain degree of evolution in your opinion regarding some.

  • Formatting

    Please, try to write without mistakes and use basic spelling rules. We don't expect you to make perfectly grammatical comments, but other users would be more comfortable reading comments from understandable sentences.

  • Privacy

    Please, note that all user comments are public and open to all who view our site. Do not provide confidential personal information about yourself or anyone else when posting a comment. Especially do not post full names, emails, credit card numbers, or any other information that could compromise your privacy.